
- Broad useful spectral transmission range
- Specialty coatings available for high temperatures, high vacuum and harsh chemicals environments
- Biocompatible materials
- Sterilizaable by ETO, steam, e-beam, gamma radiation
- Radiation resistant
- Laser damage resistant
- Core/clad ratio: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4
- Numerical aperture: 0.28 ... 0,4
- Operation wavelength range: 500nm to 2600 nm
- Proof test level (bend method): 70 kpsi
- Bend radius: momentary 100 times the fiber radius long term 600 times the fiber radius
- low NA ≤ 0,35
- high NA ≤ 0,4
- Diameter see AS...IR fibers
Fiber Design
- GE-doped fused silica core (low OH-)
- Fluorine doped fused silica cladding
- Acrylate coating (-40°C to 85°C)
- Silicone resin coating (-40°C to 180°C)
- Polyimide coating (-190°C to 385°C)
- Nylon (-40°C to 100°C)
- ETFE (-200°C to 150°C)
- Acrylate (-40°C to 85°C)
- Core/clad ratios 1.15,1.30, 1,4
- Numerical apertures 0.3 ... 0,4
- Metal coating
- Fiber bundles
- Tapered fibers
- Connectors (SMA, FC/PC, ST, DIN)
- AS-Fiber cables
- high temperatur acrylate coating (-40°C to 200°C)